Audience Favourite

2019 sees the return of one of the awards that got the best response last year, our "Audience Favourite", voted for in a live poll on the day of the screenings.

The Results

At the New Forest Film Festival awards ceremony, the audience had a chance to make their choice of favourite film known by voting In real time on an app on their phones, with the results displayed on a screen by the stage.

After an initial flurry of films taking the top spot, the eventual winner started pulling away from the remainder and, in the end, won by a clear majority.

Congratulations to “Love in the 21st Century” by Thomas Bulpett.

Here are the full results:

  1. Love in the 21st Century           29%
  2. Footnotes                                 11%
  3. Big Cats of Britain                     10%
  4. I’m still Here                               7%
  5. Night Tide                                  7%
  6. The Grumpy Director                 6%
  7. Forest Solace                             5%
  8. Speaking Out                             5%
  9. Intimate                                      4%
  10. Pins                                             4%
  11. 5 Rolls of Parcel Tape                  4%
  12. Life in the Faslow Lane                2%
  13. Purrsonnel                                   2%
  14. Knife on the Board                      2%
  15. Golem                                         1%
  16. A Piece of the Pie                        1%
  17. Alienated                                     0%
  18. Burglar Night                               0%

For those who want to know how the voting was done, we used an application called Slido (go to which only required the participants to visit a website on their phones and enter a code for the poll we were running.

It is super-slick and the person running the vote can manage it from their own phone using an admin login. You can open and close the polls remotely, freeze the results display whilst still having voting open and the users have the chance to vote once but change their minds if they feel like it, right up until the poll closes.

We loved it and would highly recommend it to other festival organisers who want to run an audience poll.